Thursday, April 21, 2011

An eventful weekend

Last Saturday I helped host a monogram shower for Taylor. We had a great time and everything was so nice. Her big day (July 9th) will be here very soon! She got so many good things. We had to hurry home from Wilson because a bad storm was coming. Little did we know how bad!

Taylor opening her gifts

Sarah and Kade came to the shower. AK looooves Kade! He is not so sure about her, especially when she is in his momma's lap!

Thank goodness MiMi came to stay the weekend with us while Bryant was out of town for work.

All of the hostesses with the bride (Taylor, Stacey, Melissa, Jessica, Me, Elizabeth)

Anna Kate's new favorite thing to do when you walk in the room is throw up her hand and say "hey there!" (sounds more like aaaaaaay dar!)

When we got back to Greenville we watched the news and heard of several tornadoes in our area. Thankfully we were safe, but the county I teach in was not!

Here is one of the F3 almost F4 tornadoes that ripped through Greene County

What is left of the middle school

There were so many families affected by these storms but Greene Co has really come together and supported each other and began to rebuild. Thankfully, all of my kindergarten babies are safe!


  1. Love the pic of AK where she is sitting in the floor waving! Thanks so much for the monogram shower!!
