Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We have so much to be thankful for!! We celebrated Thanksgiving with both of our families at our house this year. We had lots of delicious food and great dessert!!  Anna Kate fell asleep right before everyone arrived so she slept through lunch but woke up just in time to get some play time in with her cousins :)

Melisa, Abby, Grandma, AK

Sweet cousins

Jackson and Sophie wanted to get in the picture!!

Hard to believe next year her baby brother will be in these pictures :)

Early this week Anna Kate had her "We are thankful" party at school. Her teacher only asks that parents who host the party attend and I totally understand that being a teacher myself!! She must have really enjoyed herself because she told me all about it! They also made a craft during her party that she had on from the time I picked her up until about bed time I think!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mrs. Beddard has a secret......

This is the morning message I had for my kids last Friday morning. They had to fill in the missing letters/words...

Some guesses: a puppy, a present, a new house.......and finally the correct answer: A NEW BABY??

That's right! Baby number 2 is on they way....due April 12th! We found out Monday our new little one is a BOY!

Here is our new little one at 18 weeks :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just Because......

She is so darn cute!!!!

Anna Kate and I were playing in the backyard the other day and I snapped this sweet pic

Ready for her 1st picture day at school :)

Flying at gymnastics!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012 and some other "stuff"

We have been so busy recently I haven't had a chance to update in a while! This post is very random but lots of sweet memories:)

We started our Halloween off early with the annual Meeks' Halloween Party. Of course, everyone had a great time!!

A zebra with the zookeeper :)

All of the girls

We continued Halloween by going to the fall carnival at Jackson's school. AK had a ball!! 

She went bowling....

She fished for a pumpkin.....

she even climbed this huge slide and went down by herself!

Anna Kate had her first trick-or-treat experience on Halloween night in our neighborhood. Some friends from school and others came to join us. It took Anna Kate about 1 house to figure out the whole trick-or-treat thing!

Kade the pirate and AK the zebra

Our first stop was Mrs. Mary Anne and Mr. Bryan

A friend from school joined us and brought her dog Sophie who wanted to ride in the wagon with AK. She also was dressed as a zebra!!

AK and her new pal Sophie

Anna Kate, Tucker, and Kade stopped to pose in front of this house

We finished our night at Mrs. Nancy's house. This picture is blurry but she was so excited she was jumping up and down!

 By the time we got home there were only a few trick-or-treaters left to pass out candy to

The rest of this post is just some sweet things that I want to remember about our sweet girl :)

 We have been going to Panera a lot after church recently and Anna Kate loves their cinnamon roll!!

She loves to help me wash the dishes! Any time I turn on the water at the sink she pushed her chair over to help!

Me and the hubs :)