Friday, December 11, 2009

6 Weeks 5 Days

So, this is what we saw today at the doctor's office. It may not look like a lot but there is a baby in there! He or she is measuring in at a whopping 8 mm at this time. Our estimated due date is August 1st. This will be a busy summer!

And this is what made everything very real to me. The lines at the bottom are the rhythm of the baby's heartbeat. We actually could hear the heartbeat too! I asked the ultrasound tech to "play it again" before we left. It was truly a miracle!!! Thank you Lord for this little blessing!


  1. Stopping by from Taylor's blog...congrats on your pregnancy! How exciting!! :)

  2. Hey Katie! I saw the post from Tay's blog and quickly popped over to your blog!! This is wonderful news! Congrats to the Beddards!!! Looking forward to hearing and reading about the next 9 months!


  3. Congrats!!! Brooks and I are due July 7th :) I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months!!!
