Wednesday, July 21, 2010

38 Weeks 3 Days

We had a doctor visit today. Everything continues to check out great. I was checked again today.....still 1 cm and 50% thinned but AK is no longer "high." She has dropped and her head is very low. So, now it's just a waiting game as to when she wants to come out. Her heart rate was in the 140's. Here is a belly picture at 38 weeks 3 belly was measuring 39 weeks today.


  1. I'm predicting this weekend!!!

  2. I ordered a bunch of fabric today to swaddle AK for her precious pictures. I can't wait. Hope everything continues to move along and hope you are doing well. See you very soon!

  3. Thanks yall! I am so ready to meet this little girl!

  4. I have been meaning to shoot you an email to see if there was any action your way. I guess we'll both just have to be patient. It's so hard!!!
