Sunday, August 5, 2012

Anna Kate is 2!!!

Oh my goodness......Anna Kate is 2 today! I cannot believe it! These past 2 years have flown by and what a blessing she is!!! Words can't describe our love for her. She is the sweetest, funniest, most loving little girl. She is really a talker and loves to be on the go! Here are a few recent pictures of things we have been up to this summer.......birthday party pictures coming soon!!

You love to play doctor and listen to all of your animal's heartbeats (this includes Sophie who is still not your biggest fan! But, she does cooperate with you for a few seconds!)

We joined the pool this summer with Aunt Melisa, Jackson and have really enjoyed it and will even go down the big water slide

Playing in the rain with Papa

You love to "drive"

You also love to help us cook :)

We have converted your crib to a big girl bed and you have done really well. You still love to read. You have memorized several books and know the titles to just about everyone of the books you own! Before you go to sleep we say bedtime prayers. At the end you thank Jesus for so many things! You usually start with family and friends and then move onto everyone's animals and then barney, and barney's friends, and last night you even thank God for oatmeal (You don't even eat oatmeal!!) You are such a mess!

You love to have friends over to play (AK, Abby, Leighton)

You keep the neighborhood boys in check ;) but they are really good with you!

You love to sit on my counter in the mornings and do "makeup with mommy." You decided you need to wear deodorant too!

I took you yesterday to get your toe nails painted and you loved it!!! You picked out a pretty pink!

2 years old today!!!

And what are you up to theses days????
Talking, talking, are so funny. You are beginning to use words like delicious, and "really" and "very." Tonight you told me you were "very stinky and needed a diaper!!" 
You know shapes and colors
Size 24 month clothes for most things (still some 18 months)
You are very petite :)
I can tell you have gotten taller but still are not very heavy!
Still not a great sleeper!
You love pancakes, mac and cheese, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, pizza bites, green beans, corn, most any fruit and chocolate milk
You love "pepsi" and seem to be able to talk your daddy into giving it to you!
You love to watch TV and movies....Barney, Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffin', and Care Bears are your favorites
You are not interested at all in using the potty!
You love to make towers with blocks and play with play-doh
You are really getting into drawing and coloring and always want me to write your name :)
You love to be outside
You really do not like the church nursery and I am really praying you will do better at school than you do at church
We take great naps together!!

We love you to the moon and back and thank God everyday for picking us to be your parents!!