Saturday, August 7, 2010

Anna Kathryn Beddard

Our baby girl is here...Thank you to Taylor for updating our blog while we were still at the hospital. I was induced on August 5th due to her being 4 days over her due date and not showing any signs of coming anytime soon! We got to the hospital at 6 AM Aug. 5th to get checked in. They began my pitocin about 8 and everything was great. About 10 AM our midwife (Frieda Tucker) came in and checked me (4cm) and broke my water. After that, things were not so fun! The contractions were so intense and so close together!! Within 30 min of having STRONG contractions every 1-2 minutes I was ready for an epidural. And oh my! Epidurals are wonderful things! I was able to rest and really didn't feel a whole lot which is good because little did we know, things were progressing very quickly! At 12 PM Freda came to check me again (7cm) so in about 1.5 hrs I had dialated 3cm. She said she was going to go eat lunch and come back around 2 to check me again. About 1:30 pm I started getting very uncomfortable on my side and asked the nurses if they would roll me over to the other side. When they did, they saw signs that baby was ready to come! They checked me (10 cm) baby was very ready! They sent for Frieda to come quickly. She was there by 2pm and Anna Kate entered the world at 2:31 pm. Here are a few pictures of how our day progressed.
All hooked up and ready to go!

Meeting our baby girl for the 1st time :)

Daddy cutting the cord

Us with our midwife (Freda) and nurse (Bonnie)

Sweet baby girl!


  1. I definitely have tears in my eyes....Sweet Little Anna Kate, so glad you are finally here!!!

  2. So glad everything went well...and so glad you were able to get pain medicine!!! Anna Kate is beautiful...Congrats!

  3. She is beautiful!! Congratulations!
