Friday, August 13, 2010

1 Week Old and BUNCO

Anna are 1 week old! I can't believe how time has already gone by so quickly. You were actually 1 week old yesterday, but I had to choose between sleeping or posting this, so I chose to sleep! You have been such a joy this past week! We love everything about you! So far things have gone pretty smoothly, a few bumps here and there. You have had so many visitors, you are certainly loved by many people.

1 Week old

Last night my BUNCO group was playing so we loaded up and stopped by for the girls to meet AK. Hope had given her a onsie for a shower gift that said "Got Hope?" I put her in it to surprise Hope and she looked so adorable!
The onesie Hope gave her (Got Hope?)

Hope and AKB both smiling for the camera!


  1. Hard to believe AK is already a week old. I just got tears in my eyes reading this post!!

  2. Love the onesie! That is too cute! Makes me miss Hope's smiling face :)
