Saturday, November 5, 2011

15 months old!!

Anna Kate is 15 months old today! She is such a mess! We are having so much fun with her. She is still very busy, only taking one nap a day for only about an hour. She sleeps around 10 hours at night (most nights ;)

She has become so verbal! She tries to repeat so many things and is really doing well with speaking. She still loves to read!! She loves jewelry and things all things should be a necklace or bracelet.

We are finally getting settled into our new house and AK is adjusting well. We have an open staircase now and her favorite thing to do is climb! I always know when she is heading up the stairs because she will start counting saying "two, two" I try to count the stairs with her each time she starts and she is really learning. She knows two, three, six, eight and nine. We are also working on animal sounds. We have the dog and cat sound down!

She is such a joy and is learning so many new things each day. We love you sweet girl!!