Sunday, November 20, 2011

Awesome Weekend!

We had a busy but very fun weekend. We started Friday afternoon with Anna Kate's 15 month check-up. She weighed 20 lbs 4 oz (11%) and was 30.5 in (47%). Her growth has slowed some but the doctor did not seem concerned because she is so BUSY!

Being silly and happy before 4 shots!! She was not happy after that!

Bryant found her a sucker after the shots and then she was fine

On Saturday morning we got up and ran some errands and then went to Addie's 3rd birthday party at Jumpfit. AK had a really good time but was not thrilled to go down the inflatable slide.

On the way down with Jake (she screamed the whole way!)

I tried climbing up there with her and let her go down and she still screamed! She did enjoy climbing and sliding on the regular equipment.

This is Addie with her mom and dad

My parents came up Saturday afternoon to keep AK so we could go to a wedding. Everything was so nice. Congrats Stuart and Josh!

Such a pretty bride

This morning I found out I achieved National Board certification. I am beyond thrilled!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love AK's outfit! I am so excited about you getting NB certified!!!
